Gary Johnson Grassroots Blog

Friday, November 2, 2012

Washington Times Opinion - A Suggestion For Republicans: Consider Gary Johnson

Washington Times
This is not an election of Romney vs. Obama. This is anti-Obama vs. anti-Romney. No one really likes either candidate. No one is inspired by either of them. As a Republican, clearly Obama is not on your team, but neither is Romney. Certainly not our team leader.

Both Romney and Obama will drive full speed towards the cliff. The only difference is Obama will drive a little faster, but it's a negligible difference, and certainly not one worth spending energy on.

Our only hope to prevent a bleak dystopian scenario from unfolding is to send a powerful NO!! in the face of the forces that are pushing us there.

Fortunately, we do have a Presidential Candidate running that actually stands for limited government principles: Gary Johnson. And he's got a track record to back it up.

As a two term Governor of New Mexico, Gary Johnson vetoed 750 bills, which was about 1/3rd of all bills requiring his signature. He held the line on preventing his legislature's intentions for government's size, reach, and cost to grow, and that's how he was able to cut taxes 14 times while leaving New Mexico with a balanced budget and a healthy growing economy.

Most importantly, Gary Johnson is ideologically principled to protecting your life and liberty. Gary Johnson stands for everything the Tea Party represents. He is the ideal Tea Party candidate. His slogan is Live Free. He doesn't just speak it, he's backs it up, and he's taken some very bold stands that has caused him to be pushed out of the Republican Party by the mainstream establishment that has been running things.

It is that same mainstream establishment that led the Republican Party to its death in 2008. It was the Republican fight AGAINST the mainstream establishment that brought the wave of excitement to sweep up in 2010. It is that entrenched mainstream establishment that has to go if our country has any chance. Gary Johnson is the vehicle to help you accomplish that.
Read the rest here.

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