The STONEzone endorses Gov. Gary Johnson for President
One of the key reasons why Governor Rick Perry faired poorly in the FOX Florida Debate was the gang up of other “conservative” candidates on Perry, the front runner. This, of course, plays into Mitt Romney’s hands but does nothing to enhance the candidacies of Rick Santorum, Michelle Bachmann or even “moderate” Jon Huntsman Jr.
A wiser strategy for both Santorum and Bachmann would be to take on Romney, demonstrating to the conservative and Tea Party base an ability to take on the establishment candidate. Their goal should have been to be more effective on the attack against Romney than Rick Perry was.
Shooting Perry in the back makes little sense. I reject the idea of a “conservative intramural” to weed out who will face Romney. This race is wide open and Mitt Romney is the weakest front runner in recent history.
The most interesting thing in the debate was the national debut of Governor Gary Johnson of New Mexico, a pro-pot, anti-war libertarian with a record of cutting taxes and spending and creating more jobs than Mitt Romney in Massachusetts or Governor Rick Perry in Texas.
The STONEzone formally endorses Governor Gary Johnson for the Republican nomination for president in this very posting. Be sure to read this exceptional profile on Governor Gary Johnson from GQ.